Karriereseite und Stellenangebote – Shimadzu Europa GmbH

Shimadzu + you
Excellence in Science

To the job offers

About Shimadzu

Shimadzu is a world-leading manufacturer of high-tech analysis systems for product safety and consumer protection. Our laboratory systems detect residues, ingredients and substances in product research and development, as well as in quality control. Medical equipment for diagnostic imaging complements our product range. Numerous awards demonstrate Shimadzu's innovative strength.

Employees Globally

Shimadzu has more than 850 employees in Europe.

Subsidiaries Globally

Shimadzu has 22 locations in Europe.

Billion $ Sales Globally

Shimadzu generates more than 240 million € of sales in Europe.

Foundation in Kyoto, Japan

The European Headquarter was founded in 1968.

In 2018, Shimadzu Europe celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Take a look at what our employees had to say on this occasion. #cheers50years

Our Values

Contributing to Society

The challenge to protect the basis of life for mankind and nature is our most important issue. Our technology is aimed at customer needs, serving the well-being of people and the environment.

Excellence in Science

It is our desire and attitude to respond to customers' requirements by offering superior, world-class technologies. The basis of our success lies in our enthusiastic and motivated employees who, in close corporation with our customers, design and realize individual solutions.

Best for our Customers

With our customer-oriented strategy and our high-quality service, we strive to be Europe's market-leader. Therefore, we think that innovation goes hand in hand with comprehensive service packages and holistic applications, as reflected in Shimadzu's consulting and application solutions.

Social Engagement


Girls'Day is an empowering and inspiring event dedicated to promoting gender equality and encouraging young girls to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated fields. Held annually on a designated day, Girls' Day aims to break down societal barriers and challenge stereotypes by providing girls with unique opportunities to explore a wide range of professions.

More about Girls' Day


Need free lab space for your research? Apply and win personal time in our high-end laboratory world.   We are looking to support young enthusiastic scientists with an interesting topic of research. For this purpose, we offer instrument time on the entire range of our state-of-the-art analytical equipment in the Shimadzu Laboratory World in Duisburg, Germany. You will also benefit from the advice of our on-site product specialists.

Apply here

Investing in our Communities and Environment

We believe that we as a company can help making our society better - not only through our services and products. Taking part in multiple social programs aimed at serving our community is something we take great joy in.
For example, our employees can use one work day once a year to partake in our Social Day, helping out in different local projects every year. For example, we helped to plant new flowers in the Duisburger Kant Park.
Other projects include a yearly wishing tree in our European Headquarter in Duisburg to collect presents for children to christmas or the funding of bees colonies.

Social responsibilities

Work at Shimadzu: Exciting Jobs and great People!
Get to know us here.

"Short crisp getting to know. Highly respected company (quality) in the medical technology segment . Very pleasant team! Good description of the future process if you are taken."

Applicant (m/f/d)

Service engineer or technician (m/f/d) for X-ray systems

Insights in our Office Department


founded in Kyoto

Our European Headquarter in Duisburg

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30+ Days Leave

Time off is a basic need. With us, you get 30 days of annual leave as well as days for exceptional occasions (such as moving to a new house, getting married or the birth of a child).

Education & Training

Your professional development is a matter close to our hearts. We make sure that you are always optimally trained for your job. This includes online training in the Shimadzu Academy, on-site training, and possibly external training.

Pension & Insurance Benefits

You should feel secure. That is why we offer you the opportunity to take out a company pension plan and supplementary insurance with us.

Mobile Working Days

We offer a flexible work schedule. Depending on the area and position, our employees have the opportunity to arrange certain working days in mobile working.

Company Physician

Your health is important to us. That is why we have a company physician where you can get your annual flu shot or preventive examinations.

Corporate fitness with Wellpass 

Take advantage of the opportunity to use the subsidized EGYM Wellpass membership in over 9,000 sports and health facilities throughout Germany and Austria to train.

Lease a Bike

We offer all employees the opportunity to lease a bike of their choice. This allows you to be active and mobile in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way.

On-Site Cafeteria

A salad, something savory or even ice cream for dessert? Go and have lunch with your colleagues in our inhouse cafeteria.

Laundry Service

We offer you a price reduced laundry service. Just leave your business clothes at the reception and pick them up nice and clean the next day!

3D Tour

Experience our laboratory world and our office building up close.

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Hier geht man gerne zur Arbeit
Ein sehr gutes Onboarding Programm. Nette und hilfsbereite Kollegen. Die Teamleitung ist immer bemüht beim Einstieg so gut wie möglich zu unterstützen. Eine wertschätzende Firmenkultur. Fremdsprachenkurs mit persönlichem Trainer. Kantine mit einem abwechslungsreichen Angebot. Ausreichend Mitarbeiter Parkplätze vorhanden. Flexible Arbeitszeiten.
Employee feedback from February 9, 2025
Bewerbung zum Head of Logistics
Keine Verbesserungsvorschläge
Applicant feedback from January 28, 2025
Leiter Logistik
Rasches und klares Feedback inkl. ergänzende Informationen. Freundlicher Empfang ohne Wartezeiten. Offener und konstruktiver Austausch im Erstgespräch.
Applicant feedback from January 26, 2025
super proffessionell
Applicant feedback from January 19, 2025
Sachbearbeiter Auftragsbearbeitung
Schnelle zeitliche Reaktion, sehr gute Erläuterung zu den Bereichen und Tätigkeiten des Unternehmen, sehr freundliche und wertschätzende Gesprächsführung.
Applicant feedback from January 4, 2025
Feedback nach knapp 3 Monaten
Guter Arbeitgeber Sehr korrekte Teamleiter, immer ein offenes Ohr für jeden. Bis jetzt bin ich mehr als zufrieden.
Employee feedback from December 14, 2024
Hallo Zusammen, zuerst nochmal vielen Dank für das informative und angenehme Gespräch gestern! Die positive Atmosphäre während des Gesprächs hat es mir leicht gemacht, mich wohlzufühlen und offen über meine Erfahrungen und Erwartungen zu sprechen. Zudem habe ich Ihre wertschätzende Art sowie die klar strukturierte Herangehensweise sehr geschätzt. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die detaillierte Beschreibung der globalen und europäischen Firmenorganisation und der Tätigkeiten, die mit der ausgeschriebenen Position verbunden sind. Die Transparenz und Klarheit, mit der Sie die Abläufe und Verantwortlichkeiten erklärt haben, haben mir ein gutes Bild davon vermittelt, was von der Stelle erwartet wird und wie ich bei der Shimadzu Europa GmbH einen Mehrwert leisten könnte. Auch die Vorstellung der anstehenden spannenden Projekte wie die Erweiterung und Zentralisierung Ihres Lagers und die Umstellung auf SAP S/4HANA fand ich sehr inspirierend. Es klingt, als ob hier interessante Herausforderungen warten, die sowohl anspruchsvoll als auch bereichernd sind. Es hat meine Begeisterung für die Position noch weiter gesteigert, da ich großes Interesse daran habe, aktiv an solchen Projekten mitzuwirken. Insgesamt möchte ich mich für das angenehme Gespräch und die wertvollen Einblicke bedanken. Ich freue mich darauf, bei einem möglichen Zweitgespräch noch mehr über Ihr Unternehmen, das Team und die anstehenden Projekte zu erfahren, und hoffe, in Zukunft einen Beitrag zu Ihrem Erfolg leisten zu können! Viele Grüße
Applicant feedback from November 21, 2024
Bewertung des Bewerbungsgesprächs
Das Bewerbungsgespräch war sehr gut. Die Gesprächspartner waren sehr freundlich und haben eine angenehme Gesprächsatmosphäre geschaffen, in der ich mich sehr wohl gefühlt habe.
Applicant feedback from November 7, 2024
Position Finanzbuchhalter (m/w/d)
Professionelle Vorbereitung und angenehme Atmosphäre.
Applicant feedback from October 24, 2024
I'm really satisfied with working environment, atmosphere and colleagues. There are many opportunities for training and self-development. Home office policy should be developed, considering how service business is working on daily base (no. of allowed days should be improved)
Employee feedback from September 26, 2024
Samples from 108 reviews

Auch bei der Plattform kununu konnten wir zwei Jahre in Folge eine Auszeichnung gewinnen:

So gehören wir zu den rund 5 % der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf kununu!

FAQ Application Process

Every company has a slightly different application process. That can be tricky. We want you to have all information you may need in an easy and accessible way, so you do not need to worry about the formalities of the process. Have a look at our FAQ below or contact us if there is still a question unanswered. We are happy to get to know you and are looking forward to receiving your application.

Where can I get informed about current job openings at Shimadzu?

You can find all current open positions at Shimadzu Europe on our career webpage or directly in our job portal. Just click on the button below.

Our job offers

How can I apply?

We only accept online applications via our job portal. Please use the "Apply online" button under the relevant job posting.

Can I also submit an unsolicited application?

We are happy to accept unsolicited applications via our job portal. Please use the "get in touch" button for this purpose.

get in touch

Is there an application deadline for open job postings?

No. Our postings are advertised until we find the right person for the job.

How long does the online application take?

You will need a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes to apply via our job portal, provided you have prepared all documents.

What documents should I include in my application?

An application should always include the following documents: curriculum vitae, cover letter, certificates, and proof of qualification.

What should I keep in mind when uploading my documents?

Save your documents as PDFs. It is better to bundle your documents thematically (e. g. certificates) in a multi-page PDF. The total size of all your files should not exceed 5 megabytes.

How does the application process work?

If your qualifications match our job descriptions, we will contact you with a proposal for an initial interview. As a rule, we hold two interviews before making a decision. Most of the time, the first interview will be a video call and the second one will take place in our European Headquarter in Duisburg.

What do I do if I have problems with the login or the job portal?

If you cannot log in or get error messages within the job portal, please contact info@shimadzu.eu or info@softgarden.de. Please also include your name and job title in the subject line.

How to get to our European Headquarter in Duisburg

Albert-Hahn-Straße 6-10
47269 Duisburg, Germany

Arriving by Train:
The station "Duisburg Großenbaum" via the train S1 is the closest to our European Headquarter (approx. five minutes by foot).

Arriving by Bus:
You can arrive with the bus line 940 at the bus station "Duisburg Großenbaum Bf West" which is just two minutes away by foot.

Arriving by Car:
If you drive by car, you reach our office via the A59 freeway. Leave at the exit "Duisburg-Großenbaum".

Arriving by Plane:
The nearest airport is Düsseldorf Airport.

Do you still have Questions?
Feel free to contact us.

Mascha Widler

Human Resources Officer

Marie-Luise Plonka

Human Resources Officer